PP61630 DLRP - Pin Trading Night - Pinocchio
Pin Stats
- Origin: DLP - Disneyland Paris (DLRP)
- Limited Edition: LE 400
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 2095010080133
- Original Price: 10.90 euro
- Owns: 49
- Wanting: 28
- Trading: 6
Front Description
This is a pin in the DLRP Pin Trading Night collection. This pin features Pinocchio . PIN TRADING NIGHT is written on the top and Disneyland Resort Paris on the bottom. The moon and the stars on the dark blue background glow in the dark. This pin was released at the Santa Fe Hotel at pin trading night. Measures: 1.77" (with yellow banner) x 1.38". It is an individually numbered edition of 400. SIZE: approx. 4.6cm W x 3.9cm H (1 13/16" x 1 1/2"). Back of pin: Original Pin Trading Logo 2008 Disneyland® Resort Paris logo ©Disney Made in China ÉDITION LIMITÉE xxx/400
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