PP61626 Patriotic Chip 'n' Dale - Flags and Hats
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: See below
- SKU: See below
- Original Price: $6.95
- Owns: 152
- Wanting: 9
- Trading: 27
Front Description
Chip and Dale patriotic are dressed in Uncle Sam hats in this patriotic Open Edition pin. The chipmunks have their arms around each other's shoulders, they both wear blue vests, and each hold a small American Flag. Dale on the left, Chip on the right. The top hats have red & white stripes, and a blue hatband with white stars. There is another version where the blue in the stars area, on the flag, has not been painted and is gold instead of blue. They are both being sold at WDW DTD Pin traders on 04-04-09. Pins in the series include: 61557, 61626 and 61627. DLR - 05/18/2008, SKU: 400014050426 WDW - 05/27/2008, SKU: 10906351 DLR - 11/4/2011 reissued SKU: 400004798499 $7.95
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