PP61536 DSF - Pin Trader Delight PTD - Chip & Dale Ice Cream Sundae - GWP
Pin Stats
- Origin: DSF - Disney Soda Fountain
- Limited Edition: LE 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU:
- Original Price: Gift With Purchase
- Owns: 18
- Wanting: 40
- Trading: 3
Front Description
Chip & Dale are in a large sundae each holding a spoon. They are dressed as Soda Jerks and there are scoops of ice cream and a banana and cherry in the dish. This pin is a Gift With Purchase of the "Pin Trader Delight" ice cream sundae at the Disney Soda Fountain in Hollywood. The cost of the sundae is $11.95. Size of the pin is approx. 1 5/8" by 1 5/8".
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