PP61519 WDI - Wait Time Sign - Jungle Cruise
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDI - Walt Disney Imagineering
- Limited Edition: LE 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 3333
- Original Price: $10.00
- Owns: 26
- Wanting: 62
- Trading: 2
Front Description
This Gold toned pin is an exact replica of the wait time sign for The Jungle Cruise ride. Mickey's of Glendale was able to secure the original blueprints for the design of this pin. The wait time changes on a spinner behind the sign. Rectangular pin with a circle or ball on the top - the border is metallic red with clearcoat. Set on a tan background, the pin has the "JUNGLE CRUISE" attraction logo at the top, with a line of four elephants below; the text reads "WAIT TIME __ MINUTES FROM THIS POINT" and "BOARD A JUNGLE BOAT TO TRAVEL EXOTIC RIVERS OF THE WORLD, GUIDED BY A WITTY AND EXPERIENCED SKIPPER." Size: approx. 2 1/4" H x 1 1/8" W. Back: sand-textured, 2 pin posts Walt Disney Imagineering logo Imagineer Exclusive Limited Edition 300 © Disney China Individual pins in series: #57866, #57867, #57868, #61518, #61519, #61520, #61532, #62006, #65450, #65451, #65452, #65453, #72607, #72608, #72609, #72610, #72611, #72612.
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