PP61088 WB - Michigan J. Frog on T.V. (Lenticular)
Pin Stats
- Origin:
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 1990
- SKU:
- Original Price:
- Owns: 0
- Wanting: 1
- Trading: 0
Front Description
Metal, cabinet style television with two raised dials on the upper right corner (for you youngsters the dials are: on/off/volume and the channel changer [channels 2 - 13]), one above the other. Beneath the screen an horizontal line delineates a base with two legs. The screen is lenticular, showing Michigan J. Frog as he raises his hat and dances, giving a high kick. Pin is 1 1/4 inch tall by 1 1/8 inch wide, the screen is 5/8 inch square. Chrome finished silver color base metal. The dials look better than they scan. Back has a brooch style pin diagonal from the top right corner to the bottom left. Back is pebble finished with a raised horizontal oval saying "TM©1990" above "Warner Bros."
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