PP20375 WDW - Tinker Bell - Stained Glass Princess Series
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- AP / PP / Prototype Avail.
- Year on Pin / Released: 2003
- SKU: 400109718163
- Original Price: $ $8.50
- Owns: 106
- Wanting: 34
- Trading: 18
Front Description
This open stock rack pin released at WDW is one of a series of Stained Glass Princess pins. Each circle pin features a colorful stained glass background with a 3D Princess in the middle. Pin measures 1 & 5/8 inches in size. Tinker Bell from Peter Pan is featured here surrounded by castle turrets. Pins in this series include: #20369, #20370, #20371, #20372, #20373, #20374, #20375.
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