PP169182 WDCS - Adult Simba - Mufasa - Spirit of Family - Lion King
Pin Stats
- Origin: DEC - Disney Employee Center
- Limited Edition: LE 250
- Year on Pin / Released: 2024
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ 24.95
- Owns: 2
- Wanting: 8
- Trading: 2
Front Description
One of ten SPIRIT OF FAMILY pins released online by the Walt Disney Company Store on 31 Oct 2024 and for in-store purchases (Burbank/Glendale employees only) during the week after that date. In one of the bottom corners of each round pin is an animated Disney character(s), in full color, against a solid-color background which is surrounded by a thick gold border. Inside the framed background is a chalkboard-style drawing of a family member(s) of each character(s). The main characters are looking at the drawings of their family members showing on the backgrounds. This pin features a grown SIMBA, from Disney's animated LION KING, looking at a drawing of his father, MUFASA, on a blue background. Pin measures 2.31 x 2.02 inches. Characters in the series include Tarzan and his parents, Carl and Ellie, Anna and Elsa and their parents, Miguel and Hector, Ian and Barley and Wilden, Moana and Grandma Tala, Hiro and Tadashi, Mulan and Ancestor, Simba and Mufasa, and Tiana and James. #169175, #169176, #169177, #169178, #169179, #169180, #169181, #169182, #169183, #169184
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