PP169153 BoxLunch - Scary Teddy - The Nightmare Before Christmas - Stained Glass Frame
Pin Stats
- Origin: BoxLunch / HotTopic
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2022
- SKU: 18653291
- Original Price: $ 10.90
- Owns: 1
- Wanting: 3
- Trading: 1
Front Description
In August 2022 Boxlunch released a set of NBC stained glass pins, created by Uncas. This pin features the Mayor from the movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas. The pin has the form of a spider web with a yellow stained glass center. The frame has white ghosts, orange pumpkins, graveyards and a yellow moon with bats. Pins in the Series: Jack/Sally #151207, Oogie Boogie, Lock/Shock/Barrel, Mayor, Zero, and Scary Teddy. Approximate pin dimensions: W 4.5 cm x H 4.5 cm.
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