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PP165380     WDW - Button - Keys to the Kingdom Tour - Name Tag Badge

WDW - Button - Keys to the Kingdom Tour - Name Tag Badge

165380 - WDW - Button - Keys to the Kingdom Tour - Name Tag Badge 165380 - WDW - Button - Keys to the Kingdom Tour - Name Tag Badge

Pin Stats

  • Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
  • Limited Edition: Open
  • Year on Pin / Released: Unknown
  • SKU:   
  • Original Price: $ Gift
  • Owns: 4
  • Wanting: 1
  • Trading: 0

Front Description

This button is given to participants of Disney's "Keys to the Kingdom Tour" at The Magic Kingdom. The button is hazy-blue and purple with a white outlined Cinderella Castle and white-lettered ©DISNEY in the bottom right. It says "Disney's Keys to the Kingdom" in white letters in the bottom-left corner. The participant's name would be printed in black on a clear piece of tape and then attached in the middle. The same design is used for the folded card that holds the gift pin (either PP2879 or PP11077, depending on the manufacturer) that comes with the tour. This replaced the older button, PP10575, at some point.

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