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PP165339     Our Universe - Mama Coco's Tamales - Coco Food Truck - Pixar

Our Universe - Mama Coco's Tamales - Coco Food Truck - Pixar

Pin Stats

  • Origin: BoxLunch / HotTopic
  • Limited Edition: Open
  • Year on Pin / Released: 2023
  • SKU:   
  • Original Price: $ 15.90/set
  • Owns: 2
  • Wanting: 2
  • Trading: 0

Front Description

One of two pins from the WALL-E FOOD TRUCK set released by Our Universe for exclusive sale at BoxLunch on October 16, 2023. Each of the seven sets released at the time features a different Pixar character on one pin, with a food truck themed after the character on the second (often with a lot of printed detail). This pin features a MAMA COCO'S TAMALES food truck, themed after the Disney animated film, Coco. It's facing left and colored in a bright Mexican style -- orange on the bottom, blue on the top, and red on the roof. To the right of the pink door is a sign, with a pierced and scalloped edge, that says "MAMA COCO'S TAMALES". On the door are two skulls colored blue and orange. To the left of the door is a pink/red skull on the blue background. The orange background that runs along the whole side is scattered with brightly colored music notes and flowers. On top is a sign that looks like Miguel's white guitar, running the length of the truck. Characters in this series include Jack-Jack from The Incredibles, an LGM Alien from Toy Story, WALL-E, Miguel from Coco, Sulley from Monsters Inc., Russell from UP, and Crush from Finding Nemo. Jack-Jack & Truck #161771, Jack-Jack #161770, Cookie Truck #161776, Set Russell & Truck #160193, Russell #160194, Grape Truck #160195, Set Wall-E & Truck #165333, Meals Truck #165334, Wall-E #165336, Set Miguel & Truck #165337, Miguel #165340, Mama Truck #165339, Set Alien & Truck #164511, Alien #165329, Pizza Planet Truck #165330, Set Sulley & Truck #161171, Sulley #165332, Abominable Truck#165331, Crush & Truck #161774, Vegetarian Truck #161772, Crush #161773

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