PP165336 Our Universe - WALL-E - Food Truck - Pixar
Pin Stats
- Origin: BoxLunch / HotTopic
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2023
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ 15.90/set
- Owns: 7
- Wanting: 2
- Trading: 0
Front Description
One of two pins from the TOY STORY FOOD TRUCK set released by Our Universe for exclusive sale at BoxLunch on October 16, 2023. Each of the seven sets released at the time features a different Pixar character on one pin, with a food truck themed after the character on the second (often with a lot of printed detail). This pin features WALL-E, the small mobile compactor robot from the Disney animated film of the same name. He's facing forward and waving with his left hand. Characters in this series include Jack-Jack from The Incredibles, an LGM Alien from Toy Story, WALL-E, Miguel from Coco, Sulley from Monsters Inc., Russell from UP, and Crush from Finding Nemo. Jack-Jack & Truck #161771, Jack-Jack #161770, Cookie Truck #161776, Set Russell & Truck #160193, Russell #160194, Grape Truck #160195, Set Wall-E & Truck #165333, Meals Truck #165334, Wall-E #165336, Set Miguel & Truck #165337, Miguel #165340, Mama Truck #165339, Set Alien & Truck #164511, Alien #165329, Pizza Planet Truck #165330, Set Sulley & Truck #161171, Sulley #165332, Abominable Truck#165331, Crush & Truck #161774, Vegetarian Truck #161772, Crush #161773
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