PP165305 Angry Donald Duck - Teeth Clenched and Eyes Closed - 90th Anniversary Puzzle - Mystery
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Limited Release LR
- Year on Pin / Released: 2024
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ 29.99/box
- Owns: 11
- Wanting: 5
- Trading: 2
Front Description
One of ten DONALD DUCK Mystery Puzzle pins that was part of a large release in May 2024 of DD 90th Anniversary pins at the Parks and DisneyStore.com. Each blind box contained two random pins. Each shaped piece features Donald, with a different expression or as seen in a Disney movie or short, inside a thick silver rim. Donald is a 3D-sculpted, smooth and shiny image on a shimmery pebble-finish background of the same blue color. When all ten pieces are put together, they form the shape of Donald's sailor hat. This pin features an angry Donald with his eyes tightly shut and his teeth clenched. This is the piece for the top-right corner of the puzzle. Ninety years ago, in 1934, Donald made his first screen appearance in Walt Disney's "Silly Symphony: The Wise Little Hen". The ribbon on the left side of the completed puzzle shows him as he looked in that film. You'll also find him as he appeared in Crazy Over Daisy, Three Caballeros, and Out of Scale. The other six pins show him in various poses and expressions, including the iconic Angry Donald. #164823, #165306, #165305, #165304, #165303, #165302, #165301, #165300, #165298, #165296, #165328
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