PP161557 DL - Walk In Walt's Disneyland Footsteps - Partner's Statue - Dedication Plaque 1955 - 2015
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2015
- SKU:
- Original Price: $
- Owns: 18
- Wanting: 6
- Trading: 1
Front Description
Commemorative pin given to Walk In Walt's Disneyland Footsteps Tour attendees in 2015 (Dedication Plaque 1955 - 2015). Front of pin features a picture of Walt walking through the castle gates. Inside of pin includes silhouette of Partners statue, with a quote from Walt Disney and a replica of the plaque including Disney's July 17, 1955 dedication speech. Similar to pin #94302
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