PP160281 DSSH - Flik, Atta, Tuck, Roll, Francis, Heimlich and Manny - Bug's Life - 25th Anniversary
Pin Stats
- Origin: DSSH - Disney Studio Store Hollywood
- Limited Edition: LE 400
- Year on Pin / Released: 2023
- SKU: 400909138895
- Original Price: $ 26.95
- Owns: 13
- Wanting: 7
- Trading: 4
Front Description
This is part of a 4 pin set commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Pixar movie, Bug's Life. This pin features Flik, Princess Atta, Manny, Tuck and Roll, Francis and Heimlich. The background is shimmering green. The gold border has imprints of seeds around it and "25" at the top. Group #160281, Flik/Atta/Dot #160426, Francis #160427, Hopper #160428 Group #160281, Flik/Atta/Dot #160281, Hopper #, Francis #
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