PP160259 Uncas - Haunted Mansion - Coffin - Slider - Glow In the Dark - BoxLunch
Pin Stats
- Origin: BoxLunch / HotTopic
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2023
- SKU: 18842278
- Original Price: $ 14.90
- Owns: 12
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 0
Front Description
This pin on pin slider, created by Uncas and sold at BoxLunch was released on August 21, 2023 as part of a 2-pin series. This pin features the coffin from Haunted Mansion. The bottom has burgundy triangles with silver engraved triangles. The section above it is dark blue with 3 squares. The top of the coffin is blue with 2 gold candlesticks with white candles that glow. There are cobwebs between the candlesticks. At the bottom of the coffin is a silver pot with green ferns. The coffin top has a hand on the front side and the right side. and it slies to the left and up, revealing a black inside of the coffin. The pin is 1 3/4" tall by 1 1/2" wide. Series: Coffin slider #160259, Haunted Mansion plaque #159940
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