PP158941 EU DS - Jafar - Aladdin - Villains Character Connection - Puzzle - Mystery
Pin Stats
- Origin: EU DS - Shop Disney Europe
- Limited Edition: LE 95
- Year on Pin / Released: 2023
- SKU: 466044271286
- Original Price: € 16
- Owns: 4
- Wanting: 10
- Trading: 0
Front Description
The pin shows a nasty smiling Jafar's face and neck, against a salmon-colored border with white pillars and a burgundy roof. The rest of the green shimmering background continues over all the pins of the puzzle. The set consists of 10 pins limited 95 and 2 chasers limited 25. Pin dimensions approximately squares of 4.5cm. Series: Evil Queen #158896, Maleficent #158940, Jafar #158941, Hades #158942, Facilier #158943, Yzma #158944, Scar #158945, Ursula #158946, Gaston #158947, Cruella #159502, Hook #162500,
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