PP155482 WDI - Mirror on the Wall - Chaser - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Adorbs - Mystery
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDI - Walt Disney Imagineering
- Limited Edition: LE 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2023
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ 29.95/2
- Owns: 21
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 4
Front Description
This is part of a 12 pin set. This pin features the Evil Queen's Mirror on the Wall the movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Mirrow is framed in Gold with a crown on the top. The face of the mirror goes from purple to green to yellow. The Mirror's facial expression is a scowly evil look. Snow White #154058, Evil Queen #154059, Old Hag/Chaser #154060, Sneezy #153832, Grumpy #153833, Doc #153835, Happy #153834, Bashful #153836, Sleepy #153837, Dopey #154056, Prince Florian #154057, Mirror/Chaser #155482
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