PP147604 WDW - The Great Mouse Detective - Heroes vs Villains - How To Be - Set
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 750
- Year on Pin / Released: 2021
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ 49.99/4
- Owns: 14
- Wanting: 6
- Trading: 2
Front Description
This is a 4 pin set from the Heroes vs. Villains event held in Walt Disney World. This set is a book called "How To Be". "How To Be A Hero" side is Basil from the movie, The Great Mouse Detective. He is wearing a brown suit and standing on a gold cog wheel. Basil's second pin is the word "Perceptive" in teal with a black and light blue spy glass with a black shoe print in it. The "How To Be A Villain" side is Professor Ratigan in a black and gray suit with a red lined caped. He's standing on a gold cog wheel. Ratigan's second pin is the word "Charismatic" written in dark red sitting on top of a bell. Set #147604, Basil #147605, Perspective #147606, Ratigan #147607, Charismatic #147608 - Sword In The Stone Set #156337 - Peter Pan Set #159580
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