PP145908 WDW - Mickey Mouse - Sullys Safaris - Windows of Main Street
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 3000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2021
- SKU: 400942214716
- Original Price: $ $19.99
- Owns: 52
- Wanting: 21
- Trading: 5
Front Description
Pin on pin featuring the opening window of Sully’s Safaris Guide Service from Main Street in WDW. The window slides up to reveal Mickey on a Jungle Cruise boat wearing a safari hat. Window frame is green with off white and tan framing and bricks around it. Claude Coates/Mr Toad #153140, Palm Parlor/Madame Leota #148795, Racing The Sea/Donald #152486, Bait Co/Dopey #153262, Iwerks Werks/Oswald #146910, Railroad Office/Mickey #149757, Sulley's Safaris/Mickey #145908, Tony Baxter Inventor/Figment #149007
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