PP141043 DVC – Donald and Nephews - Golf - Vacation Club
Pin Stats
- Origin: DVC - Disney Vacation Club
- Limited Edition: LE 4000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2020
- SKU: 400923063319
- Original Price: $ 17.99
- Owns: 43
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 4
Front Description
This is the fourth and final DVC member exclusive pin for 2020 at Disney Parks! Features Donald Duck & Nephews playing golf. The pin is all in shades of brown, Donald wears a sailor shirt and a checkered cap. He's standing on the grass ready to hit his golf ball. On the left the nephews are standing by the golf bag, all three dressed in brown tones, shirts and caps. They look as if they are up to something. The grass and the sky are also brownish, only the clouds are white. A frame border is a pin on pin, with a mickey icon in each corner, making the pin look like a photo frame. At the bottom in the middle in a slightly lighter bronze metal the DVC logo. Series: #141043, #141268, #141270, #141269
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