PP136159 Goofy - Watches - Hidden Mickey 2019
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2019
- SKU: N/A
- Original Price: $ N/A
- Owns: 87
- Wanting: 46
- Trading: 11
Front Description
Goofy is centered on the watch face looking forward with his arms pointing to 2 and 10. The numbers on this watch go counter clockwise. Goofy is wearing his green hat,orange shirt, gray vest, blue pants, and gray shoes. The watch has a light green face and a Hidden Mickey symbol on the upper part of the maroon watchband. Pin 3 of 6. #165198, #136157, #136158, #136159, #136162, #136163, #136316, #137605
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