PP136027 DSSH - Belle and Phillipe - Beauty and the Beast - Mane and Friends - D23
Pin Stats
- Origin: DSSH - Disney Studio Store Hollywood
- Limited Edition: 400
- Year on Pin / Released: 2019
- SKU: 400909130646
- Original Price: $ 27.00
- Owns: 21
- Wanting: 48
- Trading: 9
Front Description
Belle from Beauty and the Beast is in her yellow Ball Gown is on the left with her brown horse with the tawny mane, Phillip behind her on the right. Belle/Philippe #136027, Hercules/Pegasus #136026, Jessie/Bullseye #136025, Mulan/Khan #136024, Cinderella/Major #136023, Rapunzel/Maximus #136022, Cinderella/Coach Horses #136021, Phillip/Samson #136020, Merida/Angus #136019
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