PP136023 DSSH - Cinderella and Major - Mane and Friends - D23
Pin Stats
- Origin: DSSH - Disney Studio Store Hollywood
- Limited Edition: 400
- Year on Pin / Released: 2019
- SKU: 400909130691
- Original Price: $ 27.00
- Owns: 28
- Wanting: 30
- Trading: 7
Front Description
Against a background of the Stable done in blues stands Cinderella in her brown dress with light blue sleeves and her white apron. Her hands are clasped by her chest. The horse is a pearl gray with a gray mane. Belle/Philippe #136027, Hercules/Pegasus #136026, Jessie/Bullseye #136025, Mulan/Khan #136024, Cinderella/Major #136023, Rapunzel/Maximus #136022, Cinderella/Coach Horses #136021, Phillip/Samson #136020, Merida/Angus #136019
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