PP131962 HKDL - Halloween Time - Duffy, Gelatoni and Cookie Jumbo
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: LE 500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: 40005098633
- Original Price: 248 HK$
- Owns: 11
- Wanting: 14
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This Limited Jumbo pin was released for the Halloween Time in Disneyland Hong Kong. Duffy, the brown bear friend of Mickey Mouse, is dressed with a blue and orange suite with a purple hat for Halloween. Next to him is Gelatoni the gray cat. He is wearing his blue jacket with purple trousers. They are standing next to a brown, blue and green door. On top of it the logo Disney Halloween Time is standing in black and yellow font. There is also a steampunk looking pumpkin and a white bat ghost. When the door opens you can see Cookie the yellow dog. She is wearing a blue suite with a blue hat, holding an apple. On the bottom of the pin you can see 2 pumpkin jack-o-lanterns with lots of Autumn leaves next to it. Duffy and Gelatoni appear to be trick-or-treating at Cookie's house.
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