PP131719 DLR - Hidden Mickey 2018 - Red Silhouette - Mickey Presenting
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU:
- Original Price: 2/$12.99
- Owns: 62
- Wanting: 16
- Trading: 11
Front Description
This pin is part of the 2018 Hidden Mickey Red Silhouette collection. Each pin features Mickey's silhouette against a red circle. This is Mickey Mouse Walking. The pin has a red background with a black silhouette of Mickey Mouse presenting. There is a small silver hidden Mickey on the middler left portion of the pin. The back of the pin is a Mickey waffle pattern with a single post and 2 nubs. This is pin 3 of 5. Below that is the OPT box and the ©Disney made in China box. This pin is part of Wave A from the Disneyland resort. It was first released in the Hidden Mickey Pin Pouch, then released to Cast Member lanyards.
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