PP131645 WDW 2019 Stitch
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: 400021006515
- Original Price: 12.99
- Owns: 60
- Wanting: 10
- Trading: 5
Front Description
This is an open edition pin on pin design. Stitch is smiling and showing his teeth and tongue on the top left with his left arm around Cinderella's castle with his paw sticking out showing his nails. Below that on top of the base pin it has the year 2019 with each number a different color 2 is purple, 0 is blue, 1 is yellow and the 9 is a lime green. At the bottom of the base pin it says Walt Disney World. On the back of the pin it has the mickey head waffle pattern with one post and two numbs. Below the post it has a box with a seal saying AUTHENTIC OFFICIAL PIN TRADING 2019 DISNEY PARKS, below that box is a smaller box with a copyright symbol then DISNEY Made in China, then down at the very bottom it has a small rectangle box that has the stamped FAC#/
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