PP131640 Once Upon A Time - Pin of the Month - Moana
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: LE 2000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: 400020842077
- Original Price: $16.99
- Owns: 54
- Wanting: 26
- Trading: 10
Front Description
This is the twelfth December pin in the "Once Upon A Time" Pin of the Month series released featuring characters from Moana. This is a round, pin on pin with the top pin on a hinge that flips back and forth to reveal two scenes. Flipped to the right, Moana and her Grandmother stand beside one another with the ocean behind her grandmother. Flipped to the left we see Maui and Moana with the ocean behind both of them. The back of the pin has the 2018 Official Pin Trading Logo, Limited Edition 2000, © Disney Made in China. FAC # is borderless on the right beside the Made in China box.
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