PP131630 HKDL - Game Carrot - Judy Hopps
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: N/A
- Original Price: N/A
- Owns: 48
- Wanting: 18
- Trading: 11
Front Description
This blue carrot shaped pin has the gray rabbit from the movie Zootopia on it. Only her face and long grey ears are visible with a blue background and green leafy top where a small, silver, Hidden Mickey icon sits.
Previous Scrapper Comments
Counterfeit and fake versions are beginning to show up on US park boards. Judy is much darker in color, with the green part of the carrot being much lighter. There will be obvious dips, especially between her ears and in the green part. There will most likely be bubbling in the back of the pin, and one if not both of the logos incorrect (Hong Kong and OPT)
Previous Comments