PP131609 SDR - Christmas 2018 - Duffy and Friends Set
Pin Stats
- Origin: SDR - Shanghai Disneyland Resort
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: 400060176286
- Original Price: $ RMB188
- Owns: 6
- Wanting: 8
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This pack pin include 4pins, they are Duffy, Shellie May, Gelatoni and StellaLou. The all wearing Christmas theme clothes. Duffy is holding Christmas tree ornaments. Shellie May is holding a Candy Cane. Gelatoni is holding a Christmas present. StellaLou is holding white gloves. They all have a hidden Mickey mark. Duffy and Gelatoni have the hidden Mickey mark on their red scarf. Shellie May got a yellow hidden Mickey mark on her hat. StellaLou have a hidden Mickey mark on her ear.
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