PP131587 DL - Mysterious Shadows - Halloween - Set
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: LE 1000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: 400020919187
- Original Price: $54.99/4
- Owns: 21
- Wanting: 21
- Trading: 4
Front Description
4 pin boxed set released at DLR's 2018 Mickey's Halloween Party, Mysterious Shadows. Pins feature: Peter Pan with Captain Hook shadow; Sultan with Jafar shadow; 3 Fairies with Maleficent shadow.; Naveen and Tiana with Dr. Facilier shadow. Films represented are: Peter Pan, Aladdin, Sleeping Beauty and The Princess and the Frog. Each pin looks like a window. Set #131587, Hook #133189, Dr Facilier #133190, Three Fairies #133191, Jafar #132548
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