PP131270 UK DS - Mickey's Advent Calendar - Belle
Pin Stats
- Origin: UK - Disney Store
- Limited Edition: LE 1000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: 2078210180735
- Original Price: GBP £149/24
- Owns: 16
- Wanting: 24
- Trading: 2
Front Description
This is Belle from the 2018 Advent Calendar that was available from the DS UK. It has 24 pins, one each behind a window of the cardboard to open for each day of Advent. All pins are LE 1000 and have five boxes on the back: Disney pin trading logo, copyright Disney Made in China, Calendrier de l'avent, Disneyland Paris logo, EDITION LIMITEE 1000. Pin designed like a Tree Ornament with a loop on the top. Belle from the Beauty and the Beast film is in front of a snow covered decorated tree and a winter Village. She has on a lovely deep yellow white fur trimmed cape. There is a red rose as the clasp.
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