PP122289 WDW - 45th Anniversary - Jungle Cruise
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 3000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2017
- SKU: 400020108050
- Original Price: $15.99
- Owns: 49
- Wanting: 28
- Trading: 6
Front Description
From the classic attraction Jungle Cruise at WDW Adventureland we have Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and Goofy re-enacting the classic scene of the jungle explorers getting the "point" from an angry rhinoceros up a tree with a blue lagoon and green palm trees in the background. There are sliding and movement elements of this pin. Donald, Mickey and Goofy can move up and down the tree and the rhino's head can move up and down giving them the point of his horn. Also in the scene are two hyenas laughing. On the back of the pin it has a gold colored Mickey waffle Pattern with two pin posts one in the upper right and the other in the lower left both have no nubs.The upper portion of the pin has the WDW 45th Anniversary logo next to the OPT 2017 logo. The lower portion bottom left has the Disney Made in China copyrights. Underneath that has Limited Edition of 3000.
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