PP122284 HKDL - Sulley - Monsters Inc - Drink Cup - Game Prize
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2017
- SKU:
- Original Price: $
- Owns: 7
- Wanting: 23
- Trading: 2
Front Description
This pin is a souvenir drink cup of Sulley from the movie Monsters, Inc.. The cup is yellow with an icon Mickey head symbol, a castle silhouette, and says Hong Kong Disneyland. The dome portion or lid of the cup is Sulley’s head, blue with purple spots, two horns, two eyes, nose, a smile with two teeth protruding and two dark blue eyebrows. A white straw is protruding from the top of Sulley’s head. Pins were given out as a prize for one of the many carnival style games offered at HKDL. Scrump #122286, Stitch #122285, Sulley #122284, LGM #122283, Figaro #122282, Cheshire #122281
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