PP106765 Hiro - Big Hero 6 - Booster
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2014
- SKU: 400008984157
- Original Price: $32.95/6
- Owns: 55
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 7
Front Description
This pin features Hiro Hamada with a red square and the BH6 logo. Hiro Hamada dressed in primarily indigo, red and black armor, with black clothing underneath that covers most of his body, up to his knees, along with steal-toe black sneakers. On his suit are red, magnetic pads, used to carry onto Baymax's armor for transportation and battle purposes. Set #106321, Fred #106752, Baymax #106753, Hiro #106765, Honey Lemon #106766, Go Go #106750, Wasabi #106751
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