PP106750 Go Go Tomago - Big Hero 6 - Booster
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2014
- SKU: 400008984157
- Original Price: $32.95/6
- Owns: 51
- Wanting: 8
- Trading: 6
Front Description
This pin features Go Go Tomago with a red square and the BH6 logo. In her superhero form, she wears a black-and-yellow suit of armor with yellow maglev discs on her wrists and boots, a matching helmet, and black underclothing with a hint of red linings. Set #106321, Fred #106752, Baymax #106753, Hiro #106765, Honey Lemon #106766, Go Go #106750, Wasabi #106751
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