PP106731 TDR - Danny the Little Black Lamb - Year of the Lamb 2015
Pin Stats
- Origin: Japan - (TDL, JDS, JDR, TDS, TDR)
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2014
- SKU: 0401130006533
- Original Price: 1000 Yen
- Owns: 11
- Wanting: 6
- Trading: 6
Front Description
Celebrating 2015 as the "Year of the Lamb". This pin features Danny The Little Black Lamb from So Dear To My Heart. The Chinese character(Kanji) on the left side of the pin says "Gei-shun" which means "New Year's greetings" in Japanese and the another one on the right side says "Hitsuji" which means "Sheep" in Japanese. And on the dangle part says "2015". Back says Pin Collecting logo, ©Disney and Tokyo Disney Resort logo.
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