PP106667 Merry Xmas 2009 - Chip & Dale - ARTIST PROOF
Pin Stats
- Origin:
- Limited Edition: -1
- Year on Pin / Released: 2009
- SKU:
- Original Price:
- Owns: 5
- Wanting: 1
- Trading: 1
Front Description
THIS IS THE ARTIST PROOF VERSION of 73775. Dale enjoys his many presents to Chip's dismay in this limited edition pin. The pin includes the message "Merry Christmas 2009" as a dangle element. The pin also includes glitter fill elements. This pin 4 of 4, and the other pins in this series, are mounted on a special card, which is actually a hangable Christmas ornament made to look like a Santa hat with a red felt middle and a white fuzzy tassle at the top. In the white fuzzy fringe at the bottom rim of the hat are the words (in green letters): "LIMITED EDITION." The back of the red portion of the hat has the Official Disney 2009 Pin Trading logo printed on it, below which it says: "www.DisneyPins.com," and below that is ©DISNEY MADE IN CHINA.
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