PP106518 WDW - Goofy - Spectacle of Dancing Lights - Holiday
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: 3000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2014
- SKU: 400008881029
- Original Price: $ 14.95
- Owns: 46
- Wanting: 9
- Trading: 8
Front Description
This Disney Hollywood Studios The Osborne Family Spectacle Of Dancing Lights 2014 pin features Goofy. In his attempt to be helpful getting the lights ready, it appears that Goofy has tangled himself in the lights and is hanging upside down. He is still smiling, so we assume that he is prepared to finish the job. The outer rim of the pin has Christmas bulbs around it. The banner at the bottom has the words Spectacle of Dancing Lights on it. Wayne & Lanny #106722, Goofy #16518
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