PP106423 DSSH - Pin Trader's Delight - Sour Bill - GWP
Pin Stats
- Origin: DSSH - Disney Studio Store Hollywood
- Limited Edition: LE 500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2014
- SKU:
- Original Price: GWP
- Owns: 37
- Wanting: 14
- Trading: 6
Front Description
GWP / PWP pin received when purchasing a Pin Trader's Delight Sundae for $15.45 (PTS, PTD)at Ghirardelli's Soda Fountain and Disney Studio Store in Hollywood. Sour Bill from Wreck it Ralph is very detailed and a nice size too. He is holding an ice cream with Mickey sprinkles, he looks very pleased with his ice cream.
Previous Scrapper Comments
This pin is being sold by a known counterfeit seller on a popular auction site.
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