PP106340 WDW - Sorcerer Mickey - GenEARation D Countdown Collection
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2014
- SKU: 400008973793
- Original Price: $ $14.95
- Owns: 47
- Wanting: 26
- Trading: 4
Front Description
The third pin in this series of countdown pins features Sorcerer Mickey appropriately attired in the middle of a blue stylized D. At the bottom of the pin is a dangle plaque that simply reads "Fantasia". Pins in the collection include: #103906, #106339, #106340, #106341, #107315, #107880, #108115, #107404, #108980, #110025, #109663, #110346, #111365.
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